from, Jorgen Held, PhD, CEO Swedish Gas Centre
The Fifth SGC International Seminar on Gasification - Gas Quality CHP and New Concepts
Will be held:
6-7 October, S:t Gertrud Konferens, Malmö, Sweden
For Registration and other information see their web site:
You are welcome to the fifth international seminar on gasification organized by the Swedish Gas Centre. The main aim of the seminar is to offer a platform for exchange of information, results and experiences as well as networking. Leading experts will present the latest news in research and development related to gas quality, small-scale CHP production and new gasification concepts. In addition several industrial biomass gasification projects, e.g. GoBiGas, Blue Tower, Bio2G and WoodRoll will be presented.
Updated January, 2015
SGC is now Energiforsk