Understanding Clean Energy and Fuels from Biomass

Dr. H.S. Mukunda, June, 2011

We are fortunate to have a copy of Dr. Mukunda's recent text book Understanding Clean Energy and Fuels from Biomass, published through Wily-India in the office, and it is a wonderful primer on Biomass Energy.

The book starts with the plant, and the chemical elements in the plant, which is a fantastic place to start because most operators quickly understand that it is those elements that are basic to the green parts of plants, that quickly convert themselves into problems in operating boilers and gasifiers, among other applications. Each concept is clearly illustrated, and then the next chapter builds on the concepts introduced in earlier chapters, so that you are smoothly lead through many of the concepts and formulae needed for good decision making about biomass energy, and competent understanding of plant operations.

It's a great book for the price, and as noted in the paper:
there is a shortage of technical talent in biomass energy in many parts of the world, hopefully this book can help fill that gap.

Publishing information, in India, there are multiple booksellers that carry it, in the US you can order a copy (from and Indian bookseller) through AbeBooks.com

Author : DR. H.S. MUKUNDA
ISBN13 : 9788126529698
Product Group : IND-W:
Pages : 300
Type : Paperback
Release Date : April 2011
Price INR : 429