Enviro Carboniser, South Africa

Enviro Carboniser
John Hofmeyr, South Africa, August 2005

Enviro Carboniser

One carboniser module. A recommended minimum viable site consists of four such units at the same place, for economies of labour & logistics. The single unit in the photo produces 4 tons per day of high quality carbon (>80% fixed carbon for smokeless & odourless burning) from ~10 tpd of pine waste (25% moisture). Feedstock is a mixture of 80% woodchips & 20% sawdust. This yield (>50%m/m dry basis) approaches the theoretical maximum of carbon capture. It is achieved because the equipment is designed to maximise capture and carbonisation of resinous volatiles which would normally be lost to atmosphere or to the afterburner.

When processing harder or less resinous woods, like black wattle and eucalyptus, the yield is about 40%m/m (dry basis). (i.e. >30% calculated on feedstock with max 25% moisture).

Enviro Carboniser Mk III Side view

The equipment is fully commercialised for carbonising woody biomass. For example, from a mixture of 80% pine wood chips and 20% pine sawdust, we achieve a char yield of >50% m/m (dry basis). This approaches the theoretical maximum of carbon capture from wood. The process provides the highest yield of the highest quality char : A minimum of 80% fixed carbon; the equipment can make char with fixed carbon in the high nineties percent, but at reduced yields. This quality of char will provide smokeless and odourless ignition and burning.

The process provides a constant flow of clean offgas with a temperature estimated to be >1000degC. Also within our contemplation is the use of this energy to activate the char for use in activated carbon process of decolourisation of the sugar liquors or for other purification processes.

1 Ton Chipped Pine
1 Ton Chipped Pine

About 1 ton of chipped pine waste (at max 30% moisture in this case). But feed can be in larger sizes up to 40cm long (16") and 8cm diameter or X-section (3"). When processing the larger particle sizes, a moisture content of not more than 25% is desirable.

Carbonized Chipped Pine
Carbonized Chipped Pine

The same biomass after charring to a fixed carbon content between 85 and 90%m/m. Very little loss if particle integrity compared to the feedstock. The wristwatch indicates the relative particle sizes. The char exits the carboniser cooled & ready for packing. It is clean to the touch and makes a sound like tinkling glass when handled. While this charcoal is perfect for barbecuing, customers normally prefer a larger particle size. So this char is normally converted to smokeless & odourless charcoal briquettes.

carbonized shredded paper
Shredded Paper Carbonized

To show the versatility and precision of the equipment, I've included a photo of single strips of shredded paper before & after carbonising in the same carboniser shown in the photo. But I haven't found a market for this competence yet!

Enviro Charcoal (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
Contact: Mr John Hofmeyr. E-mail lanstar@global.co.za
Phone: +27-11-788-7040 (Marketing, Johannesburg). Alternative +27-82-714-7111 (Factory, Eastern Cape, South Africa)