Abstract: The Twister is a crude prototype of a concentric vortex burner that was made from what was remaining of Mr. Charcoal.
Twister Pic 1: Tall flame, concentric vortex burner.
Twister Pic 2: Concentric vortex burner.
Twister Pic 3: Short flame.
Twister Pic 4: Concentric vortex burner fueled with Cedar.
The Twister is a crude prototype of a concentric vortex burner that was made from what was remaining of Mr. Charcoal. Basically you are looking at a hot water heater turned upside down.
It was fueled with ceder shavings (bedding) purchased from Tractor Supply Company. Although I was surprised that it did burn during the first test run I was somewhat disappointed with the cedar feedstock. Without a pilot fire, in the bottom of the burner, it became difficult to keep it burning with just the cedar. But I am looking forward to testing a more volatile fuel like chopped switchgrass with it.