Small Downdraft Gasifiers for Drying Yerba Mate

Small Downdraft Gasifiers for Drying Yerba Mate, Erik Barney, Obera Misiones, Argentina, March 2006

My name is Erik Barney, and I work at the Engineering Faculty in Oberá Misiones, Argentina, not far away from the big Iguazú Water fall.

My interest is to promote small down draft gasifiers for drying vegetables, I have designed one of 100.000 Kcalories/h or 144Kg/h. and I send attached to this mail some photos .

My interest is of other people that have gone with similar experience.
The heat generated by the gasifier will be cooled to 100ªC for drying the Yerba mate My problems with other experiencie was the melt dolwn of the only gasifier throat and no regulation of the fire.

Now this new experience is with three cooling throats, preheated primary and seccondary air, and the whole thing controled by a small computer.
Well that´s my experience and I wish to change some lines with any one that know somthing about it.

Many thanks for leting me share my experience with others.

Erik Barney, Argentina


